Terms of Service

Before using our site, please read our terms of use carefully.

The web pages on our site and all pages linked to it ("site") are owned and operated by Telemar Savunma (Company) at milstok.com. By using and continuing to use the service on the site, you (the "User") are subject to the following conditions while using all services offered on the site; You are deemed to have accepted that you have the right, authority and legal capacity to sign a contract in accordance with the laws you are bound to, that you are over the age of 18, that you have read and understood this contract and that you are bound by the terms written in the contract.

Intellectual Property Rights

All registered and unregistered intellectual property rights, such as titles, trade names, trademarks, patents, logos, designs, information, and methods on this Site belong to the site operator and owner company or the indicated interested party and are protected by national and international law. Visiting this Site or using the services on this Site does not grant any rights to the aforementioned intellectual property rights.


All communications with us are electronic. When you send us an email or visit our website, you are communicating with us. You agree to receive communications from us. If you subscribe to the news on our website, you will receive regular emails from us. We will continue to communicate with you by posting news and announcements on our website and by sending you emails. You also agree that all notices, disclosures, agreements, and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing.

Registration and Security

The User must provide accurate, complete and up-to-date registration information. Failure to do so will be considered a breach of this Agreement and the User's account may be closed without notice. The User is responsible for the security of their password and account on the Site and third-party sites. The Company will not be held responsible for any data loss, security breaches or damage to hardware and devices caused by the sharing of passwords or account information with third parties.

Force Majeure

Not under the control of the parties; Natural disasters, fire, explosions, civil wars, wars, riots, popular movements, declaration of mobilization, strikes, lockouts and epidemics, infrastructure and internet failures, power outages (hereinafter referred to as "Force Majeure"). If the obligations become inaccurate by the parties, the parties are not responsible for this, and the rights and obligations of the Parties arising from this Agreement are suspended during this period.

License and Site Access

A limited license is granted to access and use this website for personal purposes only. Downloading or modifying the website is not permitted. This can only be done with our written consent.

milstok.com reserves the right to terminate accounts, edit or remove content, and cancel orders.

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